
Touring an Assisted Living Home

June 7, 2020

Tips for Touring an Assisted Living Home   Relocating to an assisted living facility is a significant adjustment for elderly adults and their families alike. Seniors must keep in mind that they are looking for a new home; a place where they will feel safe and...


Life Hacks for Seniors

May 21, 2020

6 Life Hacks for Seniors Life hacks for seniors? Are you wondering what is a life hack? It is a strategy or technique implemented to manage one’s time and daily activities in an easier more efficient way. It is like a trick or cheat for making life easier. As we...


Technology and the Lives of Seniors                          

November 1, 2019

Ways Technology Can Improve the Lives of Seniors In the past, older adults have shied away from technology but with the advances and convenience, they are becoming more accepting and using it more than ever before. According to a study published by the Wallstreet...